
All posts by r7comms

The Region 7 Staff will be having our usual business meeting at the Shore Leave 43 convention on Saturday morning July 8th. Check the Programming page on the Shore Leave website for info on exact time and location.

We’ll be announcing awards, sharing information about the upcoming regional conference, and other fun and frivolity.

We’ll also have a recruiting table so be sure to stop by and sign up for some table duty.

Hope to see ALL of you there!

My Friends,

While the R7 Annual Awards are being judged, I wanted to ask your chapters to submit ONE of your newsletters from 2022 for consideration for the R7 Annual Awards for Newsletter of the Year. For some reason, when sending nominations to FLEET, there are separate places to send websites and newsletters (I have no idea…). Thus, we can have submissions just for the newsletters…

Please send your submission (as a PDF) to:

I will accept these nominations until May 15, 12:00 PM. Please submit, I know you folks have some great newsletters out there!


My Friends,

Yes, it’s that time again for our annual awards! This year, since our Awards Director recently resigned for real-life reasons, nominations will be sent to me and I, in turn, will submit nominees to our judges. I’ll soon post for volunteers…

The nominations will be accepted from Thursday, March 2 to Monday, April 3 and must be submitted in essay form, since that is what FLEET judges for the FLEET awards…. Nominations will be judged and winners will be determined no later than Friday, April 21. 2022 Annual Award winners will be announced on Monday, April 24.

For this year only, you just need to let us know who is being submitted for an award and who the nominator is (usually the chapter CO). Any winning essays will be submitted, verbatim, to FLEET for consideration for the FLEET Annual Awards, which I have to submit by May 1.

After the awards season, we will be seeking a new Awards Director.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate in contacting me!
