The Seventh Fleet is one of 20 geographic regions within STARFLEET the International Star Trek Fan Association! Region 7 covers the Mid-Atlantic area: Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. We are home to 23 active chapters and almost 500 members. We invite you to peruse our chapter list for a group near you, then beam aboard for adventures!
Good Afternoon Region 7 Family:
Your recruitment and retention officer here to remind you that SHORE LEAVE 44 is right around the corner, July 26-28th in Lancaster, PA. New venue + new state = new recruits!
We hope that will be there and help out with our recruitment efforts. It can benefit your chapter as it has done in the past. The table will be set up to recruit on Saturday & Sunday. We need folks to sign up for shifts.
Hope we will see you there!
Bob Smith
R7 Recruitment & Retention Officer
Today is a great day. Today we commission into our ranks, the Starship USS Mae Jemison, NCC-97007. She is an Odyssey Class starship. This Chapter is based in National Harbor, Maryland, Earth, Sol Sector and is under the command of RADM Dean Rogers.
RADM Rogers, you are hereby cleared to begin deployed chapter operations in your assigned patrol area, with CAPT Christian Savage as your Executive Officer after reporting in to ADM Bob Vosseller at Region 7 Headquarters.
If anyone is interested in joining their adventure, contact RADM Rogers at Commissioning a new chapter is the greatest joy that I have as STARFLEET Chief of Shakedown Operations. I wish you fair winds and following seas.
In Service,
VADM Steven Bowers
Congratulations to our award winners for 2023!
- Chapter of the Year – USS Abraham Lincoln
- Charity of the Year – USS Sovereign
- CO of the Year – VAdm Mary Ann Gonzalez, USS Adamant
- Enlisted Member of the Year – PO3 Lori Blashaw, USS Venture
- Flag Officer of the Year – RAdm Keith Shikowitz, USS Abraham Lincoln
- Helping Hands – RAdm David Sladky, USS New Jersey
- Newsletter of the Year – USS Justice
- Officer of the Year – FCapt Cheryl Willcox, USS Avenger
- Website of the Year – USS Adamant
- Staff Member of the Year – VAdm Mary Ann Gonzalez
See previous Region 7 Annual Awards Winners