During the month of April 2011, the following activities took place aboard the chapters of Region 7:
The USS Abraham Lincoln had their monthly meeting at New City Library. Had presentation from a fund raising company represntative Christina Philbin. Planned annual Picnic for July 23, 2011 at Bear Mountain State park. Watched Star Trek Phase II episode Enemy Starfleet.
The USS Accord held a monthly meeting where future events for the summer were planned.
The USS Adamant had Cantina & Movie Night as well as holding their monthly meeting.
The USS Albany had 7 members attend bowling. They had an Easter Egg Hunt and monthly meeting. Nine members attended this event at Charleton Historical Society. We had several prizes, lots of candy plus chicken and beef pastries with cheesecake for dessert. Later on in the month, the went bowling again, with 8 members attending.
The USS Ascension held their monthly meeting.
The USS Avenger had a Philly trip, their April meeting, and went to the New Hope Renaissance Festival.
The USS Britannic was at the recent “I-Con 30” convention. They had a recruitment table, which was open for all of Region 7, that had been staffed from Friday through Sunday.
The USS Challenger held their monthly meeting, and during the meeting a brutally long Trivial Pursuit session was ended without a winner declared. Members also helped out at “I-Con 30”.
The USS DeBraak continues collecting Coca Cola caps as well as coupons.
The USS Edinburgh participated in Maryland Public TV’s fundraiser.
The USS Hecate’s Marines are still keeping busy with the MURPs, and the USS HECATE is still doing VRCP.
The USS Inferno had a Change of Command Ceremony during their monthly meeting.
The USS Justice took a bus trip to see Gettysburg, PA, April 16th. Although it rained heavily throughout the day, they still had a good time. The USS Justice held it’s monthly meeting in conjuction with the Morris County Star Trek MeetUp Meeting. A few members attended Chiller Theatre at the Parsippany Hilton, in Parsippany, NJ.
The USS Matrix is finishing up their Yearbook, as well as working on massive photo collection document.
The USS Pride of Baltimore held a joint poker party with the USS Richthofen.
The USS Richthofen also held a Mystery Science Theater night.
The Sovereign had our monthly meeting. Theymade a donation to Japan Relief, which was presented to the Japan American Society for students of Japan’s earthquake. They also made sure the Easter Bunny visited the kids at Project Rainbow by taking them a basket of Easter treats. THey also made Easter arts and crafts for a fun morning with the kids.
The USS Susquehannock is working on a Calendar as a Region 7 Fund Raiser.
The USS Thor had another successful fund raising event sponsoring Relay for Life during Katsucon’s charity held in March.