
All posts for the month January, 2024

Greetings Members of the BEST Region in All of STARFLEET, REGION 7!

Farpoint is almost upon us. With having a new venue, we may also see some new faces at the CON, so we are looking for folks to sign up to help recruit for FLEET. There is no better time to be a TREK fan since the 1990’s! Please see the link for the Google Form to sign up for a table shift. There will be no raffling at the recruitment table unless it is specifically for REGION 7 as a whole.

We DO encourage chapters to have flyers, bookmarks, cards, etc on the table. We don’t want the table to be cluttered or messy. Please keep it neat and tidy and don’t eat on the tablecloth.

Look forward to seeing you there!


Bob Smith
R7 Recruitment & Retention Officer

Dear 7th Fleet ,
Happy New Year 7th Fleet!

Hard to believe we are nearly through our first month of 2024.  We saw a lot of changes and challenges in 2023 and 2024 will be bringing us some new adventures at new locales as well I’ve been pleased with what I’ve been reading in the MSRs of R7 and see that we are already looking to the future with activities and plans throughout the 7th Fleet.

I am happy to see how many social gatherings have taken place among our chapters for the holidays and post holidays as well some very interesting an innovative activities as we head into the new year.

Farpoint is next month and as we know, and while it is still based in Maryland, it has a new home not terribly far away from where it was held for many years.  We do have a recruitment/reception table and at this writing, we have not heard back a confirmation on meeting space.   Unfortunately, due to our own personal schedules and real life, it appears,Wayne, Jeff and I will be unable to make this year’s Farpoint.  If things change, I’ll make a post to update you but I’d still like to have a meeting to have members come together at the very least and I hope there will be a regional dinner held as well.

Our R7 Recruiting Officer Robert Smith, who also serves as CO of the USS Bannecker, will chair that meeting and our multi-chapter operations there that will once again include a recruiting/reception table. Please watch for posts to our R7 FB page.

The con does look like fun, but it comes on a busy weekend this year.  Other cons are coming up that I also hope to see expand into multi-chapter events that will avail us the same kind of features to promote ourselves, our chapters and bring us together for regional meetings.

I am happy to see so many COs/XOs and others who need to take their SFDPP renewal have done so. For those who haven’t please complete it before the end of January and please alert Wayne and I that it has been done as it meets an important requirement.

I also wish to extend a warm welcome back to the regional staff to Fleet Capt. Maria Dutilly who will resume her duties as R7 Awards Director.  I wish to extend my thanks to all those who applied for the position and we will be keeping you in mind for future regional positions as they become available. Maria will be making posts in the near future, and I hope each of our chapters will be submitting nominations for the various categories of awards this year.

We are in the thick of winter so please be safe, stay well and keep Trekkin’ with your chapter, R7 and SF.  Our parent organization turns a big 50 this year and there will be opportunities to celebrate that milestone birthday!

Adm. Bob Vosseller
Region 7 Coordinator