Region 7 Meeting
Pocono Manor, PA
Start: 1310
End: 1411
Wayne welcomed all to the meeting, and appreciated all those who stayed for the meeting.
We are going to have another Command Summit, the first Saturday in November. It will be hopefully at the same place. It will run from 9AM to 5PM.
Shore Leave has changed their dates for next year. The Command Staff will be at Shore Leave, so we will need to have a representative proxy for the Region next year.
We had 0 bids for the Regional Conference for next year, so the Command Staff will be setting up a Regional Conference.
There was discussion about the Awards Program for the Region. The Region 7 Awards pages will be made more easily found on the site. There was also discussion on how to submit someone for an award. The current guidelines were read and discussed.
There will be a Halloween party this year, hosted by the USS Storm, in Atlantic City.
There was a discussion about hosting a Regional Conference. More discussion will held about hosting a Conference at the Command Summit.
Bob Vosseller gave his favorite memory of IC2011.
Mark Anbinder invited all to join the USS Accord at Watkins Glen weekend this year.
Chris Carothers also invited all to join the Richthofen at Gettysburg this year.
Joe Dorffner invited all to join the USS Edinburgh next year at Hersheypark Spring in the Park weekend.
The USS Avenger will be wanking it the JTRF Walk next year, as they have in the past. They asked about the team using and keeping the name “Starfleet Region 7”.
The USS Justice is having their annual picnic next week. September they will be having a Star Trek anniversary event.
USS Storm will be having Star Trek Day on October 16th.
Regional Financial Report:
I – Revenue
A – Beginning balance of funds as of July 1, 2011, was $197 at PNC Bank.
B – Received $35 in Chocolate Sales in MD from SL 2011.
1) $29 was received in Chocolate Sales in NJ shortly after SL 2011.
C – A total of $300 was received during the Region 7 meeting at SL 2011
and this was for as follows,
1) $100 from the USS Sovereign for Km of Pennies
2) $200 from various Chapters including $25 from the Auction.
D – Received $33 from Empties for Cash for 23 qualified ink jet cartridges
II – Expenses
A – A check for $26 was issued for a Recruiting Poster.
III – Financial Status & Net Results
A – As of July 31, 2011, Starfleet – Region 7’s bank balance is now at $568 at PNC Bank.
B – Since May 2005, we’ve received $425 from for 321 qualified ink jet
and laser toner cartridges.
Note, a check for $300 was received from the USS Susquehannock for the sales of R7
calanders, August 1st.