
All posts by Jeff

Greetings Region7:

Announcing the opening of the award period for “2010” nominations. Hoping to have lots of nominations. Please be sure to read the award descriptions on the award link at because there have been changes in the wording. This is hopefully to make nominating easier for you. Be sure and nominate in the regional categories as well.

Good luck and thanks for taking the time to honor this on your ship who have been exemplary throughout 2010. As always if you have any questions, feel free to forward them to me and I will get the answers to you as quickly as I can.

Admiral Beryl Washington
Region 7 Awards Director

While I could not make it to Farpoint in time for the brunch or meeting, thanks to my wife, Challenger’s counselor, I rallied my energy and banished the sniffles long enough to make the delayed journey yesterday to see friends from many chapters in the 7th Fleet.

I missed giving the roll call at the meeting but that duty was done instead by R7 Comm Chief Joe Dorffner. Everyone I spoke to was upbeat and was enjoying their time at the con even if the turnout over all seemed a bit low.

The 2nd annual R7 Brunch numbered about a dozen people I was told and our Starfleet meeting held an hour later was well attended and even ended early.

I want to thank chapter cos Karen Mitchel and Annie Wheeler who helped me and the SF Polar Bear Plunge with their donations to our ICE BORG team for this coming Saturday’s annual Polar Bear Plunge in Seaside Heights NJ. Most appreciated ladies much thanks.

As has been reported this year’s Starfleet Plunge team has adopted the theme of Ice Borgs and I can’t wait to see the interesting costume that Challenger engineer Capt. Patrick Barnes has come up with this year for the team’s members.

It is not too late to help provide us some financial support to support the cause of the Special Olympics. Just contact me to find out how. Lets hope the weather is relatively warm and snow free.

During the SF meeting R7 Chief of Staff Commodore Jeff Victor provided a report on the exciting status of the growing IC2011 to be held at the Pocono Manor in Pa. in August. If you have not yet registered for it, do so now and check us out on Facebook and on our IC website. Go to the regional website to find those links.

RC Wayne gave the run down on the state of the Region and as noted in my first Sub Space Chatter of this month our membership numbers are up in the region and most of our chapters have addressed their membership strength and reporting issues something that we are very happy about. Most chapters that have had issues concerning OTS/OCC certification have also addressed them.

Other topics discussed the region’s fundraising efforts and multi chapter activity plans.The Kilometer of Pennies will run until Shore Leave where presentations of checks will be made to those copper coins that have been collected at chapter meetings or other means. This money will go toward the regional coffers for our awards program trophies and costs connected to the region.

If you have any questions about this restored fundraising program, contact me for details.


I close with a shameless plug for two special events coming up next month in the Garden State. The first being the annual Intergalactic Food Festival that will be held on Sun. March 6 at 1pm to ? at the Seaside Heights Community Center. As always, you are encouraged to don a Star Trek uniform of any era or a costume or a SF, R7 or chapter T-shirt, sweat shirt etc.

Bring an edible food or drink that can accommodate 5-6 people. It can be an entree or a dessert. Bring a card or sheet that lists what the “alien description of your item is” and what it actually is. All we ask is that it be edible and non-alcoholic.

That isn’t to say though that we haven’t gotten interesting presentations of Romulan Ale, Saurian Brandy and Klingon Blood wine that were made of different styles of non alcoholic beverages.

This is an event that has been going on for nearly 2 decades now and is a celebration of Star Trek/Sci Fi and Starfleet chapters in Region 7. Past themes have included Mirror/Mirror, a Klingon-Human wedding, Bajor, etc.

We have no specific theme this year other than just coming together for a winter party celebrating the third month of the new year and the hoped for end of spring as we gobble up some creative food platters. Any questions feel free to hail me at 732-830-3262 or send an e-mail to

I’m sure your CO got the invite in the mail so I hope your crew will be able to come out and have some fun with the USS Storm in the Atlantic City area in late March to celebrate their postponed commissioning celebration!

Well enjoy President’s Day tomorrow, have a slice of Cherry Pie in honor of Washington’s birthday (do some of you remember the days when doing that was kind of a tradition and the days when people used to put out those cardboard cutouts of Washington and Lincoln in their windows at this time of year?) and if you have the day off, enjoy it.

Hey who was your favorite Federation President? My vote goes for the Efrosican. <G> Actually I think during the course of the ST Saga we’ve only seen three Fed presidents if I’m not mistaken. Those that can name them and the episodes/movies you saw them by all means please post to this list.

Ahhh the first sense of spring is in the air today as I type this delayed edition of Sub Space Chatter our regional news bulletin. It seems many of us are enduring the winter blahs and will soon hit the first major sci fi con of the season in Maryland.

Some of you are there already such as ship cos and R7 staffers Jim and Mary Ann Puglise of Adamant/Ascension fame who will be showcasing their models at The Collective Table. Asst. Recruitment Director Mike Allen will be minding the store and coordinating the volunteer schedule at the Starfleet recruitment table. Please offer a hand to help out during the weekend.

Our Starfleet meeting is at 9 am at the same location as last year. Please see the con schedule for the exact location.

An hour prior to that you can break bread and enjoy breakfast with the RC for the second annual Farpoint Brunch at 8 am in the main restaurant in the hotel.

Feb. 26 is the annual Polar Bear Plunge in Seaside Heights NJ and the Starfleet Plunge team, which has adopted the theme of Ice Borgs this year, would appreciate any financial support you can lend us. See me or R7 Chief of Staff Commodore Jeff Victor if you had a donation of a check or cash. Checks can be made out to Special Olympics, Polar Bear Plunge NJ.

Wayne will speak more about this at the meeting but our membership numbers are up in the region and most of our chapters have addressed their membership strength and reporting issues something that we are very happy about.

We still have a few ships who have been absent some MSRs or need their XO to get their needed OCC and OTS but we’ve noticed that issues like this have been lessening in recent months.

Jeff will be making a status update on the fun planned for Starfleet International Conference 2011 going on in the PA sector in August.

Other topics will include the region’s fundraising efforts and multi chapter activity plans.

I know I’m nursing a growing cold at the moment but I’m still hoping to see you all tomorrow.

For those who are not planning on going, I am sure we will have a complete report following the con on our regional lists.

As always should you have a project idea, compliment, complaint, question or problem that we can assist with. Let Wayne or I know.