
All posts by Jeff

SUB SPACE CHATTER: Goodbye 2010: Get Ready for 2011 edition!

By Adm. Bob Vosseller, Vice Regional Coordinator Region 7

Well this is it. As we head toward the end of the year I extend a very happy holiday season to all of you and hope that no matter what holiday you observe it was or will be a great one.

This year has been busy and has seen much in regards to the activities of the 7th Fleet and I know Wayne wishes to thank the R7 staff for its work and congratulates those chapter leaders and their staffs for the continued smooth operation of their respective groups.

That isn’t to say we have had all smooth waters. We did loose some chapters which chose new courses of particpation within Starfleet or who could no longer meet requirements of chapter membership and reporting.

We also gained chapters as well in recent months such as the USS Iwo Jima and the USS Storm. The USS Asimov a long time Pa sector chapter moved its chapter charter to New Jersey and sadly among those chapters we lost this year were the USS Starlord and the USS Dragonstar.

We held major gatherings at Farpoint and Shore Leave as always and NY chapters and one NJ chapter enjoyed I*Con in Long Island again this year. We are hoping it can be a bigger gathering in 2011.

Chapters from all over the region enjoyed various picnics, parties, ren faires and special events like the return of the Trek Olympics in Maryland and the chilly trek into the icy waters of the Atlantic Ocean in the NJ Sector for the Polar Bear Olympics that will be returning in February. (More on that soon).

The summer provided us some wonderful excuses to come together including the 25th anniversary of the USS Avenger, the 20th anniversary of the USS Sovereign and BBQs and picnics with the USS Challenger and the USS Abraham Lincoln and the USS Pride of Baltimore.

The Region was well represented at this year’s SF International Conference in Oklahoma were IC2011 committee members of Jeff Victor (the IC Chair) and co-chairs Laura Victor and myself were present with mounds of snack food for the hospitality suite including a huge bottle of cheese balls.

This year marked an RC election which had RC Wayne Auguston retaining the center seat of Starbase 7. It was also an election year for Starfleet and of the two candidates in the race, one was our very own USS Black Heart CO Emmett Plant who ran with former long time CO and former RC Admiral Alex Rosenzweig as the VCS choice. It was a close race and well run by both candidates without political bickering and provided new forums of expression about ideas for improvements and policy implementation.

We congratulate incoming CS Dave Blaser and VCS Bran Stimpson who will be taking the oath of office in a few weeks and we also thank Emmett and Alex for being willing to run for this high office of our international organization. We also thank and congratulate those in R7 that will be taking on new SF duties such as Ricthofen’s CO Karen who will be editing the CQ and her hubby Chris will be working duties with the computer ops department. Thank you both for undertaking these necessary tasks.

That said the year 2011 will bring us many adventures and challenges as a new administration on the international level begins its work and as the R7 staff moves on its agenda to improve things and make our region as much fun as possible.

Obviously, I am excited and anxious about IC2011 next August in the Poconos Pa. we’ve put together, I think an informative and yet program set in a beautiful and historic location that will provide something new and different for IC attendees. It will clearly be more then a place to hold a business meeting but an event where spouses of SF members and those new to the org can also enjoy a fantastic time and meet SF members from all over the world. A lot of work has gone into the planning of this event and that work will continue in the new year.

Please consider coming if you have not made your plans to do so already. Budget it out early and you won’t regret your decision. Watch for the many posts that will be coming out on it and please visit our website and Facebook pages. Feel free to contact Jeff or I as well.

While there was no Region 7 Conference this year we did hold an R7 Command Summit in New Jersey. The event was paid for by our RC Wayne Augustson and the program agenda was developed by Jeff Victor our chief of staff. I came up with the idea as I felt cos and xos needed a venue to come together (along with command level personnel) to share their ideas, brain storm and to see how our individual chapters could learn from each other and at the same time, how the region could set goals on activity and fundraising. Awards Director Beryl Washington proposed a rotating raffle fundraiser for the region which is currently going on and we restored an old fundraising favorite, the Kilometer of Pennies program. That collection will culminate at Shore Leave next July. Another R7 Command Summit is set to be planned and in lieu of this year’s IC being held in R7, we are holding a mini-R7 Conference during the last day of the IC.

More regional events are being planned and we have revised the criteria for R7 conferences. During the year it was decided to eliminate the sector chiefs as positions that no longer seemed to be as necessary as they once were. We are also working to streamline communications within the region.

Wayne has been providing timely posts to the COs list and Region 7 list on matters of SF policy matters that cos need to share their opinons about prior to Wayne’s casting a vote in representation of R7. This allows each chapter to have a voice in the decision making process as votes are cast in ECAB matters.

We’ve mixed business with pleasure in hosting R7 breakfasts at Farpoint and Shore Leave and that will return in the new year although the days of when they are held may change.

We have a lot of ideas to implement and to work on and we are continuing to work with chapters who have consistently had problems maintaining their membership strength and others that have been late or have not submitted their MSRs. Jeff told me the other day we were one MSR shy of perfect last month.

Again, I extend a very happy holiday season to you all and a safe, healthy and enjoyable new year!

See you in 2011!

Region Seven Merit Awards (open continuously)

In an effort to recognize our many outstanding members, Region 7 has established a merit award system.  Currently, there are four awards that recognize outstanding participation on the chapter and region level:




Outstanding Service Award

Awarded to members that distinguish themselves by meritorious service or achievement on a chapter level by demonstrating consistently outstanding performance over time or performing a task to a high standard of excellence.

Regional Coordinator upon recommendation of Commanding Officers

Meritorious Service Award

Awarded to members that distinguishes themselves by meritorious service or achievement on a chapter level to a greater degree than OSA.

Regional Coordinator upon recommendation of Commanding Officers (one award per member per year)
Seventh Fleet
Achievement Award

Awarded to members that distinguishes themselves by meritorious service or achievement, which is of a beneficial nature to the Seventh Fleet, by demonstrating consistently outstanding performance over time or performing a task to a high standard of excellence

Regional Coordinator
Seventh Fleet Commendation  Awarded to members that distinguish themselves by heroism, meritorious service or achievement, which is of a beneficial nature to the Seventh Fleet. Regional Coordinator
(one award per member per year)

Region Seven Yearly Awards

Chapter of the Year Award: This is awarded to the most distinguished STARFLEET chapter in Region 7. This chapter best represents the ideals of STARFLEET, the International Star Trek Fan Club Association, Inc., and, as a whole, represents the spirit and determination of SFI and the region. Qualifications for the chapter of the year include promotion of the basic philosophy of STAR TREK, involvement in community and/or charitable service, promotion of activities and projects that are fun for the chapter members, solid administration, and a vision for the future.

Shakedown Chapter of the Year Award: Awarded to the most exceptional STARFLEET new chapter in Region 7. The Shakedown Chapter of the year best demonstrates the qualities of and the potential to become an ideal ship or station. These qualities should include a chapter newsletter, prompt and proper reporting to Region 7 Command and STARFLEET Operations/ShOC, effective chapter structure and organization, and involvement in Regional activities when possible. This Shakedown Chapter should be the one which best exemplifies the principles of the ShOC Program for developing chapters, and which best serves as a role model for other chapters-in-training.

Support Ship of the Year: Chosen by your Awards Committee and Regional ShOC for the chapter that has given and lead their Shakedown Chapter better than any other Support Ship in the Region for this year. To be eligible, a Chapter must serve as Support Ship and actively support and guide their Shakedown Chapter(s).

Flag Officer of the Year: Awarded to individuals who hold the rank of Fleet Captain or above. This award can be nominated by ship CO or their designees for any Region member they feel exemplifies the ideals of Rodenberry in that he/she has given their time and efforts to not only better their own ship but the Region they serve in.

Officer of the Year Award: This award is reserved for officers who hold the rank of Ensign or higher. This award is given to the individual who best demonstrates outstanding direction, a consistent level of guidance for fellow members, and leadership in STARFLEET through both word and action. The officer of the year also demonstrates consistent conduct in accordance with the philosophy of Star Trek, and supports the series’ vision of a positive future through community service and scholastic accomplishment (where appropriate), in addition to participation in STARFLEET and chapter functions.

Edgar Torres Memorial CO of the Year Award:
Chosen by your Awards committee for the Chapter CO who has shown the best leadership for their chapter and by their hand, guided their chapter better than anyone else for that year. This can be see by chapters making great strides under the guidance of the CO. This award is a nomination by the Ship’s Crew to show how their CO has taken their ship forward for the betterment of crew and Community.

Enlisted Member of the Year Award: This award is reserved for members who hold the rank of PO3 through CPO. This award is given to the individual who best displays, through his/her individual contributions, consistent support for and contribution to STARFLEET, as well as a consistent level of direction, as appropriate. The enlisted member of the year also demonstrates consistent conduct in accordance with the philosophy of Star Trek, and supports the series’ vision of a positive future through community service and scholastic accomplishment (where appropriate), in addition to participation in STARFLEET and chapter functions. This individual is willing to do what it takes to get a quality job done quickly and efficiently.

Junior Member of the Year Award: This award is reserved for members 18 years old or younger. The junior member of the year, to the best of his or her abilities, takes an active role in chapter and STARFLEET functions and demonstrates commitment to the organization through both word and action. The junior member of the year also demonstrates the potential for leadership, consistent conduct in accordance with the philosophy of Star Trek, and support for the series’ vision of a positive future through community service and scholastic accomplishment (where appropriate), in addition to participation in STARFLEET and chapter functions.

Staff Member of the Year: Chosen by your Awards Committee and RC for the Regional Staff member whose work and efforts over the course of the last year have been instrumental and vital to the wellbeing, growth and stability of the Region above all others. This nomination comes from Region Ships to award a Staff member’s efforts they feel were instrumental in providing the Region with a job “well done”.

Newsletter of the Year Award: This award is presented to the chapter or shuttle newsletter that best demonstrates key aspects of journalistic quality. Regularity of publication, effectiveness and attractiveness of design and layout, and quality and relevance of content are among the aspects considered. This year awards are presented for Best Presentation, Content and Information, and Fair Play Award. From these we get an overall winner; Newsletter of the Year.  Five copies of the same newsletter must accompany submissions. Only one issue per year will be considered.

Region Seven Award Submission Guidelines

Now through April 1st, 2010 is time for the chapters of Region 7 to nominate those who they feel have earned recognition for their achievements.  The Awards Director has mailed a nomination form to each of the Region’s COs and is accepting submissions via the Submission Form on this site.  Please remember when submitting your nominations you give detailed information concerning your ship’s activities, (how, when, why, where, the outcome). The same for individual awards, details of the nominee’s achievements gives better insight as to why you feel that person deserves the award.

Each chapter may submit one nominee per category for each year.

Nominations must be submitted by the chapter commanding Officer, or an authorized representative. 

Chapters wishing to be considered for Chapter of the Year, Shuttle of the Year, and Newsletter of the Year, may nominate themselves. 

Nominees must be STARFLEET members or chapters in good standing. 

Any nomination not received by the Awards Director by the deadline will not be considered. 

DEADLINE for nominations is April 1st, 2010 at midnight. 

Each chapter may submit one nominee per category for each year. Nominations must be submitted by the chapter commanding Officer, or an authorized representative.

All nominations should be sent to:

Beryl Washington
Region 7 Awards Director
P.O. Box 21043
Philadelphia, Pa. 19114

Or if you wish to do your nominations electronically:

Previous Region Seven Award Winners

2008 Award Winners:

Chapter of the Year: USS Sovereign
Support Chapter of the Year: USS Avenger
Shakedown Chapter of the Year: USS Odin
Newsletter of the Year: USS Niagara
Flag Officer of the Year: Laura Victor, USS Challenger
Officer of the Year: Raymond Sexton (poshumously), USS Britannic
Enlisted Member of the Year: Michael Plunkett (poshumously), USS Britannic
CO of the Year: Wayne Augustson, USS Britannic
Staff Member of the Year: Jeff Victor, USS Challenger

2007 Award Winners:
Chapter of the Year: USS Avenger
Support Chapter of the Year: USS Avenger
Shakedown Chapter of the Year: USS Hecate
Newsletter of the Year: USS Niagara
Flag Officer of the Year: Todd Brugmans, USS Avenger
Officer of the Year: Mark Van Houton, USS Britannic
Enlisted Member of the Year: Claire Halber, USS Sovereign
Junior Member of the Year: Jada Avery, USS Flying Fox
CO of the Year: Angel Avery, USS Flying Fox
Staff Member of the Year: Joe Dorffner, USS Edinburgh
Helping Hands: Jay Ansky, USS Sovereign

2006 Award Winners:
Chapter of the Year: USS Avenger
Support Chapter of the Year: USS Challenger
Shakedown Chapter of the Year: USS Britannic
Newsletter of the Year: USS Niagara
Flag Officer of the Year: Beryl Washington, USS Sovereign
Officer of the Year: Dan Adinolfi, USS Accord
Enlisted Member of the Year: None – no submissions
Junior Member of the Year: Raven Avery, USS Flying Fox
CO of the Year: Bob Vosseller, USS Challenger
Staff Member of the Year: Bob Vosseller, USS Challenger

2005 Award Winners:
Flag Officer of the Year: Angel Avery, USS Flying Fox
Officer of the Year: Alan Rose, USS Accord
Edgar Torres Memorial Commanding Officer of the Year: Ed Tunis , USS Justice
Junior Member of the Year: Sarah Bolick, USS Top Gun
Enlisted Member of the Year: Will Devine, USS Accord
Staff Member of the Year: Joe Hoolihan,USS Matrix
Newsletter of the Year: THE MIRIMAR, USS Top Gun
Chapter of the Year: USS Justice
Helping Hands: Ed Tunis , Daniel Swift, Gene Hendricks, Matt Grieco, Louis Srygley, USS Justice
SCHOLASTIC : Raven Avery, USS Flying Fox

2004 Award Winners:
Printed Newsletter of the Year: Empire Today, ISS Lexington / ISS Kerberos
Online Newsletter of the Year: THE MIRIMAR, Shuttle Top Gun
SCHOLASTIC : Peggy Sitbon, USS Sovereign
Commanding Officer of the Year: Edgar Torres , USS Osiris
Flag Officer of the Year: Mark Anbinder, USS Accord
Helping Hands: Mike Balewitz, USS Avenger
Staff Member of the Year: Neal Fischer,USS Flying Fox
Shuttle of the Year: Shuttle Top Gun (mothership USS Edinburgh)
Chapter of the Year: USS Sovereign
Junior Member of the Year: Juliana Hoolihan, USS Matrix
Enlisted Member of the Year: Angel-Acton Nehl, USS Highlander
Member of the Year: Mike Allen, USS Debraak
Officer of the Year: Sean Mayer, USS Matrix

2003 Award Winners:
Newsletter of the Year: Avenger News, USS Avenger
Commanding Officer of the Year: Mark Hanford, ISS Lexington
Helping Hands: Neal and Michelle Fischer, USS Flying Fox
Staff Member of the Year: Joe Hoolihan, USS Matrix
Shuttle of the Year: Shuttle Kerberos (mothership ISS Lexington)
Chapter of the Year: USS Sovereign
Junior Member of the Year: Juliana Hoolihan, USS Matrix
Member of the Year: Richard “Doc” Kinne, USS Accord
Officer of the Year: Steven Bowers, ISS Lexington

2002 Award Winners:
Chapter of the Year:  USS Highlander
Shuttle of the Year:  Shuttle Europe
Mothership of the Year:  USS Highlander
Member of the Year:  (tie) Angel Avery, USS Flying Fox – Traci Giorgianni, USS Sovereign
Commanding Officer of the Year:  Beryl Washington, USS Sovereign
Officer of the Year:  Sonny Wright, USS Sovereign
Enlisted Member of the Year:  Josephine Acton, USS Highlander
Junior Member of the Year:  Raven Avery, USS Flying Fox
Staff Member of the Year:  (tie) Bob Vosseller, USS Challenger – Ed Tunis, USS Justice
Helping Hands Award:  Teri Sylvester, USS Highlander
Newsletter of the Year:  USS Richtofen
Newsletter of the Year Runner Up:  USS Malverne

2001 Award Winners:
Ship of the Year:  USS Triton
Shuttle of the Year:  Shuttle Edinburgh
Member of the Year:  Tony Rowley, USS Malverne
Officer of the Year:  JC Cohen, USS Accord
Enlisted Member of the Year:  Edward DeRuggiero, USS Highlander
Junior Member of the Year:  Steven Weaver, USS Alpha Centauri
Helping Hands Award:  Shirley Weaver, USS Alpha Centauri
Scholastic Achievement Award:  Jessica Coyle, USS Highlander
Newsletter of the Year: New Frontiers, USS Challenger

2000 Award Winners:
Ship of the Year:  tied – USS Matrix and USS Sovereign (Forwarded to FLEET: USS Matrix)
Shuttle of the Year:  No award
Member of the Year:  Dean Rogers, USS Highlander
Officer of the Year:  Sonny Wright, Rick Driver, USS Highlander
Enlisted Member of the Year:  No Award
Junior Member of the Year:  Mandi Hallerman, USS Highlander
Scholastic Achievement Award:  Jessica Coyle, USS Highlander
Helping hands Award:  Geri Sylvester, USS Highlander
Newsletter of the Year:  No Award

1999 Award Winners:
Ship of the Year: USS Highlander
Shuttle of the Year: No submissions
Member of the Year: Blair Learn, USS Highlander *
Officer of the Year: Sonny Wright, USS Sovereign
Enlisted Member of the Year: Val Rosenburg, USS Highlander
Junior Member of the Year: Matt Volk, USS Thagard
Scholastic Achievement Award: Jessica Coyle, USS Highlander
Helping Hands Award: Michelle Barratt, USS Highlander *
Newsletter of the Year: USS Justice

1998 Award Winners:
Ship of the Year: USS Tanagra
Shuttle of the Year: Shuttle Raven
Member of the Year: Mark H Anbinder, USS Accord *
Officer of the Year: Teri Smith, USS Tanagra
Enlisted Member of the Year: Gracie Schmidt, USS Alpha Centuari *
Junior Member of the Year:Dean Rodgers, USS Alpha Centuari *
Scholastic Achievement Award: Beth Steidle, USS Sun Tzu *
Helping Hands Award: Jason Phipps, USS Malverne
Newsletter of the Year: Not Awarded

1997 Award Winners:
Ship of the Year: USS Alpha Centauri
Shuttle of the Year: Shuttle Bounty*
Member of the Year: John E. Townsend, USS Malverne
Officer of the Year: “Jim” George L. Clevenstine, USS Adamant
Enlisted Member of the Year: Matt Linton, USS Highlander*
Junior Member of the Year: No submissions
Scholastic Achievement Award: Greg McDermott, USS Malverne*
Helping Hands Award: Matt Black, USS Thagard
Newsletter of the Year: Not Awarded
* Won STARFLEET award



LincolnUSS Abraham Lincoln

78 Country Club Lane
Pomona, NY
Commanding Officer: Captain Keith Shikowitz
Web Site
View on Google Maps

AccordUSS Accord

PO Box 4233
Ithaca, NY
Commanding Officer: Captain Will Devine
Web Site
View on Google Maps

AdamantUSS Adamant
NCC- 3029

26 E Broad St
Hatfield, PA
Commanding Officer: Fleet Captain Mary Ann Pugliese
Web Site
View on Google Maps

AlbanyUSS Albany
NCC- 587

PO Box 2093
Scotia, NY
Commanding Officer: Commodore Donna Burke
E- mail
Web Site
View on Google Maps

AscensionUSS Ascension

PO Box 90041
Allentown, PA
Commanding Officer: Fleet Captain Jim Pugliese
E- mail
Web Site
View on Google Maps
AvengerUSS Avenger
NCC- 1860

331 Academy Terrace
Linden, NJ
Commanding Officer: Captain David Lynch
Web Site
View on Google Maps
Britannic USS Britannic

11 Sarah Drive
Lake Grove, NY
Commanding Officer: Commodore Wayne Augustson
Web Site
View on Google Maps

Challenger USS Challenger

202 8th Avenue
Ortley Beach, NJ
Commanding Officer: Admiral Bob Vosseller
Web Site
View on Google Maps

DeBraakUSS DeBraak

PO Box 24
Havre De Grace, MD
Commanding Officer: Commodore George Ann Wheeler
E- mail

EdinburghUSS Edinburgh

604 New Jersey Ave NE
Glen Burnie, MD
Commanding Officer: Lieutenant General Joseph C Dorffner Jr
View on Google Maps

Ault USS Frank W. Ault
P.O.Box 220
Linthicum, Maryland
Commanding Officer: Captain Walter Green III
HecateUSS Hecate

4 California Ave
Apt 1
Pittsburgh, PA
Commanding Officer: Fleet Captain David Ferber
Web Site
View on Google Maps
HighlanderUSS Highlander

909 Old New Windsor Pike
Westminster, MD
Commanding Officer: Rear Admiral Gerri Wampler
E- mail
View on Google Maps

InfernoUSS Inferno

1742 Broadway Ave
Pittsburgh, PA
Commanding Officer: Major General Larry D French Sr
E- mail
Web Site
View on Google Maps

Justice USS Justice

50 Howe Ave
Nutley, NJ
Commanding Officer: COMM Michael Stein
Web Site
View on Google Maps
MalverneUSS Malverne

PO Box 272
Upper Darby, PA
Commanding Officer: Admiral Tony Rowley
View on Google Maps
MatrixUSS Matrix
NCC- 72296

16310 Dahl Road
Laurel, MD
Commanding Officer: Admiral Joseph P. Hoolihan
Web Site
View on Google Maps

USS Moebius
NX- 4744393

4191 Lake Rd, Lot 31
Newfield, NJ
Commanding Officer: Captain Robert DiMatteo

View on Google Maps

Niagara USS Niagara

19 Mafalda Cr.
Cheektowaga, NY
Commanding Officer: Rear Admiral Glendon Diebold
E- mail
View on Google Maps
OsirisUSS Osiris

1528 Leland Ave
Apt #1B
Bronx, NY
Commanding Officer: Captain Maria Torres
View on Google Maps

Pride of     BaltimoreUSS Pride of Baltimore

6459 Grafton Garth Ct.
Glen Burnie, MD
Commanding Officer: Major General Gary Ensey
Web Site
View on Google Maps
Richthofen USS Richthofen

2762 Yarnall Road
Halethorpe, MD
Commanding Officer: Commodore Karen Mitchell Carothers
E- mail
Web Site
View on Google Maps

Lee USS Robert E Lee

106 Cardinal Ct
Swedesboro, NJ
Commanding Officer: Vice Admiral Larry Neigut
View on Google Maps

SerlingUSS Serling

741 Grant St 
Johnson City, NY
Commanding Officer: Captain Lisa Stuckey
E- mail
Web Site

SovereignUSS Sovereign

7104 Germantown Rd
Philadelphia, PA
Commanding Officer: Admiral Beryl E Belcher
E- mail
Web Site
View on Google Maps

StormUSS Storm

24 South Pennsylvania Avenue Apt 24A
Atlantic City, NJ
Commanding Officer: Captain David Sladky
E- mail
Web Site

SusquehannockUSS Susquehannock
NCC- 71833

430 W. Jackson Street
York, PA
Commanding Officer: Captain Stacey Linebaugh Cress

Thor USS Thor

8039 Eastdale Rd
Baltimore, MD
Commanding Officer: Captain Keith Mayfield
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