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Farpoint Meeting
18 February 2012
Crowne Plaza, Timonium, MD

Wayne welcomed all to the meeting.

Beryl performed the role call of chapters of Region 7

Wayne read the Financial report from Mike Stein.

Joe gave a report about Communications.

Mike Allen gave the Recruiting report. Karen Mitchell Carothers has joined the Recruiting Department.

Wayne then gave the Chief of Staff report. The Regional Conference was announced, and details were given. It will be October 20th and 21st.

Beryl gave the Regional Awards report. Regional awards will be opening Monday, February 20th. Award nominations will end on April 1st. Beryl showed what the Awards page looks like, via a printed copy. She also explained what she is looking for in the Awards nomination page. She will not accept nominations submitted in any way other than the Web page. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Beryl.

The Sovereign is doing a raffle during the meeting.

Bob was not at the meeting, as he was on the road getting to the Con.

Wayne gave his report. We have launched one new chapter, the USS Robert E Lee, the CO is LGEN Larry Neigut. Wayne thanked all for filing the reports this month on time. Bid period for Regional Conference is going on currently.

Upcoming events include ICON and Shore Leave.

The election for Regional Coordinator will be in May.

Joe gave the Marine Report.

Beryl and Joe gave the Reporting Certificates to those who had Perfect Reporting.

Karen gave out one promotion award for the USS Richthofen. She also discussed the Trek Olympics, which will be May 19th.

Keith discussed some of the activities that the USS Abraham Lincoln will be doing in the upcoming months.

The USS Susquehannock will be having Sci-Fi day, September 22nd.

June 23rd the USS Avenger will be celebrating their 27th anniversary.

The winner of the Sovereign Raffle was Judy. The raffle raised $75 for the Region.

Sub Space Chatter: 
The Post Farpoint/Spring is Almost Here Edition
By Adm. Bob Vosseller, VRC Region 7
Farpoint has come and gone and a lot of fun was had this year as in years past. This year’s R7 breakfast required extra seats as the turnout was fantastic. The SF meeting was also well attended and much was discussed. From reports I’ve heard, everyone enjoyed themselves and the guests were highly entertaining.
Many of you probably watched at least part of the Oscars last night and that should bring to mind that R7 has its own awards program. R7 Awards Coordinator Adm. Beryl Washington posted the details of submitting your nominations. Last year’s winners included the following:
Chapter of the Year: U.S.S. Avenger
Shakedown Chapter of the Year: U.S.S. Storm
Support Ship of the Year: U.S.S. Challenger
Flag Officer of the Year: Glendon Diebold (USS Niagara)
Officer of the Year: Eric Schulman (USS Matrix)
Edgar Torres Memorial CO of the Year: Debbie French (USS Inferno)
Enlisted Member of the Year: Maggie Restivo (USS Richthofen)
Staff Member of the Year: Bob Vosseller (USS Challenger)
Electronic Newsletter of the Year: “The Peacekeeper”- USS Niagara
Printed Newsletter of the Year: “Avenger News”- USS Avenger
Helping Hands: John Wilson (USS DeBraak) 
All submissions for this year’s program can be done by going to ( on the right side of the home page you will find the awards section. Click on it and the award page will come up. 
Please click on the award you wish to nominate someone in and the page will come up. Fill in the blanks and then write an informative essay on your nominee. While the box looks small it will hold all you write. “I’m urging you to use the award page. I will no longer cut and paste your information as it stills leave to many blanks,’’ Beryl said.
”Please nominate and honor those on your crew who have taken their dedication to another level. There are also Regional commendations, use them and nominate those who have gone the distance,’’ she added.
All awards must be filed by midnight on April 1.
Vice Adm. Laura Victor worked hard on Saturday to restore service to the SF website which had suffered difficulties. Good work Laura though it is a shame that such effort had to be made to correct the issue. 
Laura also reminded members this weekend that SF has a Press Kit & PR Guide in the SF website Documents Center:
Yes R7 members there will be a conference this year and it will be at the Cherry Hill NJ Crowne Plaza hotel this fall. Our R7 Chief of Staff made the announcement in recent weeks and we are looking for programming ideas. Please contact me at if you have any ideas.
The Region is in good shape with around 579 members as of Shore Leave 33. We did have a few chapters with lower than the required 10 members. We are working with the USS Top Gun which has its membership number but has had some reporting issues which have now been taken care of and the USS Thor, which has been out of contact for some time. Last month we had a perfect reporting record. Lets keep this trend up!
The USS Challenger’s annual Intergalactic Food Festival returns this Sunday at 1 pm at the Seaside Heights Community Center in Seaside Height’s NJ. Uniforms/costumes encouraged though not required but what is required is that you bring a food item that will feed 6 people or beverages that accommodate the same. This is an open house event for the chapter and will hopefully introduce fans to Starfleet and we are hoping for some media to be present. If you have any questions visit the USS Challenger website or the USS Challenger Facebook page or e-mail me at
The USS Storm is noting its one year commissioning anniversary on March 25 and is coordinating walk team for an AIDS walk benefit in Atlantic City in May. See their website and Facebook page for further details.
USS Richtofen CO and SF Communications staffer Karen Carothers recently announced that their fourth annual Trek Olympics will be held on Saturday, May 19, at the Hollofield area of Patapsco Valley State Park in Catonsville, MD. Last year, the event had representatives from the Richthofen, Pride of Baltimore, and Matrix.
” I’m hoping we can maybe double the number of ships represented this year. Don’t worry if you don’t have enough available crew to field a team, we can mix and match,’’ Karen said.
Karen stressed that “I REALLY NEED folks to RSVP to me if they plan to attend. The shelter I have is for 20 people. I will happily reserve another nearby if we need it, and there are also a few free picnic tables in the area of our shelter that are first-come, first-serve.’’ For more information contact Karen.
Well that concludes this bulletin. I look forward to seeing many of you at the events coming up. As always should you have any ideas, compliments, complaints, project proposals or questions for the staff of SF Region 7, reach out to us. Our contact information can be found on the R7 website or simply post us an e-mail to this list.