
The latest news from the Joomla! Team

By Vice Regional Coordinator Adm. Bob Vosseller

Spring has sprung at long last after a winter that never seemed to want to end. It has been a busy several weeks as chapters are looking ahead to celebrating the 45th anniversary of Star Trek later this year, the USS Britannic and USS Challenger are among those heading off to I*Con based in Long Island this weekend and the USS Storm celebrated its postponed commissioning party late last month.

RC Wayne Augustson has been coordinating issues of a few chapters with under strength or vacant XO positions. Most of those issues are being ressolved and we’ve noted an improvement in on time reporting of MSRs in recent months. Keep up the good work COs and XOs.

As reported on this list before, Farpoint was fairly well attended and the region’s annual brunch was held just prior to the Starfleet meeting.

During that meeting Chief of Staff, R7 and USS Challenger XO Commodore Jeff Victor who serves as IC2011 Chairman, discussed the progress of IC2011 at the Poconos Manor in August.

For those who have not signed up yet, you will wish to do that soon. For information check out the IC2011 website, the link is present at and at the R7 website. Jeff can answer any questions you have about the IC. I have been getting a lot of suggestions for panel ideas and I appreciate the input. We have our schedule now filled but we are confirming speakers so there could be changes. We’re hoping that will not be the case as we really have a nice array of activities and topics for SF members to enjoy at the IC.

A number of spring related plans are in the works including a Star Trek Day baseball game in Maryland which former RC and USS Matrix CO Adm. Joe Hoolihan is coordinating.

Many chapters are also looking ahead to events like the Trek Olympics, trips to the USS New Jersey, science exhibits and those Ren Faires held in the spring.

Follow the lists and post your event activities to the R7 website.

Based on the MSR reports we receive, most chapters are planning for the future and having fun. We’ve noticed a few that provide very little information outside of basically changing the date of the MSR.

Wayne and I are asking that those chapters provide a bit more data and let us know what might be going on. Hey, not every month has a full calendar and we know real life can be a drag sometimes. This is after all a club, but it is okay to provide a notation to just let us know how you are doing and if you are having a slump month or if something is happening to cause the repeat in the vacant activity section of the report. We’re here to listen and to communicate but it is a two way street.

Okay, enough on that topic, many chapters are also taking advantage of the myriad of films coming out that have a common interest. Many super hero movies are coming out in the next few months including Marvel’s Thor next month, DC’s Green Lantern, Marvel’s X-Men: First Class and the one I can’t wait for coming out in July, Captain America. A new Sherlock Holmes film is also coming out later this year as well as a new Transformers movie sans Megan Fox.

These movies are great for crew lunch/dinner and a movie gatherings and many ships are doing just that. The last film I saw was “Battle:LA” which was excellent. I know many of you saw it.
It looks like I will probably miss seeing “Red Riding Hood” which is probably heading out of the theaters soon. I am hoping to see either the medieval action spoof “Your Highness” or the horror flick “Insidious” later today since I am off today. “Limitless and “Source Code” also look interesting.

During Challenger’s Intergalactic Food Festival in March there was plenty of conversation about recent TV series including the pending conclusion of Smallville on the CW and the ratings of Supernatural and Fringe.

ABC’s V had its finale (way to soon) and it is uncertain if the visitors will be back next fall. NBC’s The Cape has been hung out to dry while The Event is back but its not much of an event to watch each Monday night based on the ratings. NBC is prepping a new pilot for a spanking new magic lasso filled Wonder Woman series with WW sporting a modified costume with pants and the familiar boots. In this version Diana Prince is a corporate executive…(say what? She has had many jobs in the comics versions but she’s never been a corporate officer what gives here) You Tube coverage on the new show looks interesting and we’ll see if NBC’s treatment of this new Wonder Woman is better then its treatment of Bionic Woman a few seasons back. Oh and yeah, the new WW film is still in the works and is a separate project not connected to this.

Sy Fy’s new show Being Human has been renewed for another season and The Adventures of Merlin had its season finale (which I thought was pretty good) on Friday night. Stargate: Universe is playing out their last episodes for this incredibly depressing whiney show. Oh, did I type that out loud? <G>

Returning TV shows on Sy Fy include Sancturary returning this Friday night and in the months to come Haven and my personal favorite Warehouse 13. The reality based shows like Destination Truth (also known in the Vosseller household as Destination Monkey Poop) and Quantum cooking or whatever the frak its called along with Ghost Hunters, Ghost Hunters International, Ghost Hunters Academy and the forthcoming Ghost Hunters: Jersey Shore Edition (okay I just made that last one up) is still out there but I wish it was not. Of all the reality shows I think they only one I can take is Scare Tactics and even that is questionable.

Just as the Oscars and multiple other award shows have now ended (with the exception of the always interesting and nostalgic to watch TV Land awards later this month) the Region 7 Awards season has concluded and it will be interesting to note if the amount of nominations for our varied categories has increased from last year. R7 Command hopes so.

Don’t forget to keep collecting those pennies at meetings and for you correspondence chapters please discuss donations to the Region 7 Kilometer of Pennies program which will end at Shore Leave this July. Chapters should contact me by the last weekend in June to let me know what they collected and should be prepared to either mail a check made out to Region 7 (I’ll make sure you get the exact wording soon) or to present said check during the R7 meeting if you are going to be at SL this year.

Obviously this is a voluntary program and the proceeds go toward financing regional expenditures such as the award trophies for the year. This will be a great help to us at R7 Command.

The R7 Calendar project is also going on and many of you have seen the posts about it on the COs list for more information post an inquiry to the R7 or COs list.

Should you wish to contact Starbase 7 with a question, project idea, complaint, compliment or what have you, you know how to reach, Wayne, Jeff and I. If you don’t check out
Also feel free to post your thoughts on the R7 list which has not seen a lot of activity as of late. Post your thoughts and get a conversation going and don’t forget Starfleet Region 7 also has its own spot on Facebook.

For those who observe Passover or Easter have a great holiday in the weeks to come.

Greetings Region7:

Announcing the opening of the award period for “2010” nominations. Hoping to have lots of nominations. Please be sure to read the award descriptions on the award link at because there have been changes in the wording. This is hopefully to make nominating easier for you. Be sure and nominate in the regional categories as well.

Good luck and thanks for taking the time to honor this on your ship who have been exemplary throughout 2010. As always if you have any questions, feel free to forward them to me and I will get the answers to you as quickly as I can.

Admiral Beryl Washington
Region 7 Awards Director

While I could not make it to Farpoint in time for the brunch or meeting, thanks to my wife, Challenger’s counselor, I rallied my energy and banished the sniffles long enough to make the delayed journey yesterday to see friends from many chapters in the 7th Fleet.

I missed giving the roll call at the meeting but that duty was done instead by R7 Comm Chief Joe Dorffner. Everyone I spoke to was upbeat and was enjoying their time at the con even if the turnout over all seemed a bit low.

The 2nd annual R7 Brunch numbered about a dozen people I was told and our Starfleet meeting held an hour later was well attended and even ended early.

I want to thank chapter cos Karen Mitchel and Annie Wheeler who helped me and the SF Polar Bear Plunge with their donations to our ICE BORG team for this coming Saturday’s annual Polar Bear Plunge in Seaside Heights NJ. Most appreciated ladies much thanks.

As has been reported this year’s Starfleet Plunge team has adopted the theme of Ice Borgs and I can’t wait to see the interesting costume that Challenger engineer Capt. Patrick Barnes has come up with this year for the team’s members.

It is not too late to help provide us some financial support to support the cause of the Special Olympics. Just contact me to find out how. Lets hope the weather is relatively warm and snow free.

During the SF meeting R7 Chief of Staff Commodore Jeff Victor provided a report on the exciting status of the growing IC2011 to be held at the Pocono Manor in Pa. in August. If you have not yet registered for it, do so now and check us out on Facebook and on our IC website. Go to the regional website to find those links.

RC Wayne gave the run down on the state of the Region and as noted in my first Sub Space Chatter of this month our membership numbers are up in the region and most of our chapters have addressed their membership strength and reporting issues something that we are very happy about. Most chapters that have had issues concerning OTS/OCC certification have also addressed them.

Other topics discussed the region’s fundraising efforts and multi chapter activity plans.The Kilometer of Pennies will run until Shore Leave where presentations of checks will be made to those copper coins that have been collected at chapter meetings or other means. This money will go toward the regional coffers for our awards program trophies and costs connected to the region.

If you have any questions about this restored fundraising program, contact me for details.


I close with a shameless plug for two special events coming up next month in the Garden State. The first being the annual Intergalactic Food Festival that will be held on Sun. March 6 at 1pm to ? at the Seaside Heights Community Center. As always, you are encouraged to don a Star Trek uniform of any era or a costume or a SF, R7 or chapter T-shirt, sweat shirt etc.

Bring an edible food or drink that can accommodate 5-6 people. It can be an entree or a dessert. Bring a card or sheet that lists what the “alien description of your item is” and what it actually is. All we ask is that it be edible and non-alcoholic.

That isn’t to say though that we haven’t gotten interesting presentations of Romulan Ale, Saurian Brandy and Klingon Blood wine that were made of different styles of non alcoholic beverages.

This is an event that has been going on for nearly 2 decades now and is a celebration of Star Trek/Sci Fi and Starfleet chapters in Region 7. Past themes have included Mirror/Mirror, a Klingon-Human wedding, Bajor, etc.

We have no specific theme this year other than just coming together for a winter party celebrating the third month of the new year and the hoped for end of spring as we gobble up some creative food platters. Any questions feel free to hail me at 732-830-3262 or send an e-mail to

I’m sure your CO got the invite in the mail so I hope your crew will be able to come out and have some fun with the USS Storm in the Atlantic City area in late March to celebrate their postponed commissioning celebration!

Well enjoy President’s Day tomorrow, have a slice of Cherry Pie in honor of Washington’s birthday (do some of you remember the days when doing that was kind of a tradition and the days when people used to put out those cardboard cutouts of Washington and Lincoln in their windows at this time of year?) and if you have the day off, enjoy it.

Hey who was your favorite Federation President? My vote goes for the Efrosican. <G> Actually I think during the course of the ST Saga we’ve only seen three Fed presidents if I’m not mistaken. Those that can name them and the episodes/movies you saw them by all means please post to this list.