Chapter Info
City of Charter: College Park, MD
Address: 7204 Bowdoin Avenue, College Park, MD 20740
Chapter Type: Meeting Chapter
Commission Date: 06/08/2022
Social Media: Facebook, Discord, Instagram, YouTube
Commanding Officer: Fleet Captain Eugene Sanford
Chapter Interests/Activities: We like going to conventions like Farpoint and Shore Leave, as well as traveling up and down the East Coast to different regional conferences. We also enjoy the Virtual Universe that has been brought to us due to COVID-19.
Membership Information: No dues are needed for this chapter, but we do have either Active or Reserve. We currently have 11 members, with one more on the way. Our Facebook page has 50 members, some of whom are from different countries around the world, so we now have an international feel to our chapter. We are STARFLEET’s first Essex Class Expedition Cruiser, inspired by the Ship of The Line Series. All members including myself are in good standing with STARFLEET, as well as being in compliance with STARFLEET’s Data Protection Policy, and the General Data Protection Regulation Policy.
Other Information: We now have a unified membership of 69 men and women from all over the world, a lot of whom are official STARFLEET Officers, and civilians from the United States.