
All posts for the month March, 2015

The official R7 Command News Bulletin
By Vice Regional Coordinator Admiral Bob Vosseller

As the winter season rolls on, the 7th Fleet has been enjoying plenty of indoor activities including FARPOINT on Valentine’s Day weekend. The event featured the usual R7 brunch held prior to the regular Starfleet-Region 7 meeting chaired by our RC Wayne Augustson.

Our R7 recruiting department coordinated our recruitment table for the weekend and Ariel Vitali of the USS Adamant headed his own panel at the convention.

During the meeting, our fall R7 Conference in Baltimore was promoted.

The USS Challenger hosted its annual Intergalactic Food Festival on March 1 at the chapter’s regular meeting place at the Seaside Heights Community Center. The event drew members of other area Starfleet chapters as well and was open to the public.

Some chapters of the 7th fleet hit their local movie theaters to see “Jupiter Ascending.”

New Jersey chapters created a facebook page as part of an internal communication mode to reinforce event planning and to remind chapters of events that would have a mutual draw.