
All posts for the month July, 2018

Congratulations to our award winners for 2017!

  • Chapter of the Year: USS Britannic
  • Newsletter of the Year: USS Justice
  • Website of the Year: USS Challenger
  • Flag Officer of the Year: Wayne Augustson, USS Britannic
  • Enlisted Member of the Year: Sam McMullen, USS Serling
  • Officer of the Year: Thea Whirlwindhorse, USS Serling
  • Memorial CO of the Year: Karen Mitchell Carothers, USS Richthofen
  • Staff Member of the Year: Karen Mitchell Carothers, USS Richthofen
  • Charity Chapter Award: USS Alaster

It’s hard to believe that Shore Leave 40 is in less than a week! Come see us at our Saturday morning business meeting, at one of the Star Trek panels we’re hosting, or at our recruiting table. Check the Programming or Latest News pages on the Shore Leave website for info on times and locations.

Our 2017 regional awards winners will be announced at the business meeting. The list of past award winners can be found here.