
All posts for the month December, 2023

Fellow COs and XOs,

As announced on the STARFLEET Business List on FB last week, it’s that time once again when we collectively cringe and take the STARFLEET Data Protection Policy re-certification course. This course MUST be taken at any time during the month of January.

If you do not take the re-certification course, your database privileges may be effected. You know by now this cannot be avoided, so anyone with database privileges beyond ‘regular’ member access, let’s take our medicine and be done with it for the year :)

The Protection Policy is important to our organization, so let’s do our part and ensure we comply. Bob and I thank you for your efforts and cooperation in this matter! If you have any questions, please contact your beloved RC and/or VRC :)

Admiral Wayne L. Augustson
R7 Vice Regional Coordinator

Dear 7th Fleet ,

I hope you are enjoying a wonderful holiday season. It is hard to believe we are reaching the end of 2023, a year that has seen some interesting changes and in some cases losses of long-standing members, but we also have had a great deal of fun on a chapter and multi-chapter activity level.

As you saw from VRC Wayne Augustson’s post, the SF Data Protection Policy course renewal will become available to take starting on January 1. For those required to take it, please do so prior to February 1. You may also wish to renew/extend your membership in STARFLEET early and beat the dues increase.

We’ve been doing well with our MSR reporting and I noticed a number of ships held Thanksgiving gatherings last month and planned for holiday gatherings this month and some in January. We’ve been keeping busy and that is always great to see. I’ve always enjoyed reading all the MSRs and seeing what every chapter is up to.

Lastly, I wish to extend on behalf of myself and the R7 Command staff a very happy holiday season to you all. Enjoy your special events that are coming up. We’ll have an update on Farpoint plans in the near future.

Adm. Bob Vosseller
Region 7 Coordinator