
All posts for the month March, 2024

Hello Region 7!

This is FCapt Maria Dutilly, Awards Director for Region 7. I am pleased to announce the award season is officially here! From March 17th thru April 13th you can submit your nominations to me at!

Award nominations are needed for the 2023 calendar year in the following categories:

  • Chapter of the Year
  • Charity Chapter of the Year
  • CO of the Year
  • Enlisted Member of the Year
  • Flag Officer of the Year
  • Helping Hands
  • Newsletter of the Year
  • Officer of the Year
  • Staff Member of the Year
  • Support chapter of the Year
  • Website of the Year

I am in need of judges. If you or someone you know is interested please message me on Facebook or email me at All judges are kept confidential.

I will be sending reminder emails and posting on Region 7’s Facebook page every Sunday to submit nominations. Remember you have to be in it to win it!

Greetings 7th Fleet!

The Starfleet Petfleet auxiliary is looking for an ambassador from each region to relay news of their events from Petfleet to to each region.

You may have seen this position advertised as Petfleet Ambassador/Liaison on STARFLEET Facebook groups. Petfleet Director of Operations CAPT Mary Demiter of the USS Antares reaching out me as we don’t have a representative yet R7.

I am therefore reaching out to see who might be interested in filling this position. There are no reports or requirements needed, as this is a fun volunteer position. Please let me know if you have any interest.

Thank you,
Admiral Bob Vosseller
Region 7 Coordinator