Dear 7th Fleet,
I received the news this morning from STARFLEET Inspector General Stephen Stott who stated:
Greetings STARFLEET,
On behalf of the Commander, STARFLEET, I am announcing that Admiral Bob Vosseller has won the R7 RC election and will retain his position for another term starting July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2026. Congratulations Admiral Vosseller.
I am honored and humbled by your confidence in me to continue to serve as your regional coordinator. It has proven interesting, challenging, frustrating, amusing and rewarding at times. I continue to appreciate the members of this region who over many years, I’ve come to know and have enjoyed spending time with. We truly have a fantastic region.
I will continue to do my best to represent your will on matters of the Admiralty Board and to coordinate with the help of our wonderful regional staff the programs and events that bring us together throughout the year. We are a very active region and our chapters at times face challenges that we make every effort to assist with. This week I received some ideas on programming for our autumn R7 Conference. I also received some sad news from one of our chapters. I got a question from another chapter about a matter concerning the SFI website. The adventure continues!
Thank you for your support and I hope this weekend was full of fun for all of you. Also, don’t forget the deadline for the R7 Awards program is two days away. Please send in your nominations. Remember “you can’t win it if you aren’t in it.”
Adm. Bob Vosseller
Region 7 Coordinator