
All posts by Comms Director

Holiday Inn Express, Hanover MD



Meeting was called to order by RC VADM Wayne Augustson.

Roll call of chapters led by VRC ADM Bob Vosseller. Chapters represented:

  • USS Albany
  • USS Avenger
  • USS Britannic
  • USS Challenger
  • USS Debraak
  • USS Justice
  • USS Matrix
  • USS Pride of Baltimore
  • USS Richthofen
  • USS Serling
  • USS Storm

Roll call of regional staff led by Regional Chief of Staff VADM Jeff Victor. Staff in attendance:

  • Regional Coordinator VADM Wayne Augustson
  • Vice Regional Coordinator ADM Bob Vosseller
  • Chief of Staff VADM Jeff Victor
  • Chief of Communications RADM Karen Mitchell Carothers
  • Chief Financial Officer VADM Mike Stein
  • Chief Recruitment Officer FCPT Lisa Stuckey

Staff reports presented:

Financial Report (VADM Mike Stein): For The Period Ending 8/31/15:


  • Beginning balance of funds as of July 1, 2015, was $1,123 at PNC Bank
  • A donation for $100 for the COPD Foundation was received from the USS Sovereign in July.
  • During the month of August, a total of $65 was received for the sale of 13 R7 patches.
  • A donation for $50 for the COPD Foundation was received from the USS Britannic also this past August.


In August 2015 a check was issued for $150 payable to the COPD Foundation along with a letter that listed those two chapters that donated these funds in memory of Leonard Nimoy.

Financial Status & Net Results: As of August 31, 2015, Starfleet – Region 7’s bank balance at PNC Bank is $1,188.

Since May 2005, we’ve received $433 from for 343 qualified ink jet and laser toner cartridges.

Communications Report (RADM Karen Mitchell Carothers):

  • We have a Facebook page now, to replace the Facebook group that was deleted by Joe Dorffner. Search for STARFLEET Region 7
    • Remember that pages aren’t private, so please don’t post anything up there you wouldn’t want the entire world to see, ok?
  • Email lists are still in effect
    • R7 List for general regional info/participation
    • R7 CO/XO for CO/XO/RC discussion
    • R7 Staff for internal staff communications
    • R7 Announce still exists, should we keep?
  • I will be revising the list FAQs and Facebook FAQs
  • Once I get access to the website, I will be:
    • Checking that all chapter info is correct, including web presence
    • Checking that all staff info is correct, including ranks
    • Talking with the staff about what additional info can be reflected to the page
  • Minutes for this meeting should be posted by Sunday evening
  • I want to look into recreating a regional newsletter of a sort, so be on the lookout for more info on that project in the coming months

Recruiting Department Report (FCPT Lisa Stuckey):

STARFLEET R7 is gearing up to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Star Trek in 2016. Please bring your ideas for ways we (and your chapters) can celebrate to the 50th Anniversary & Recruiting Panel later today at the conference or you can email them to

Chief of Staff Report (VADM Jeff Victor):

Jeff reported on the recent staffing changes at the regional level (Joe Dorffner’s resignation, Karen moving to Comms, Lisa taking over recruiting). Annual awards selection will become a senior regional staff job, as Doris Hutley is resigning. Jeff thanked her for her years of service in the position. As usual, the awards process will be tweaked a bit to continue to streamline and improve things.

Next year’s regional conference will be celebrating 50 years of Trek, it will be run by the regional staff, and will most likely be in Cherry Hill, NJ at the site of the 2012 R7 conference. While we don’t have a date set yet, it will most likely be in the fall.

VRC Report (ADM Bob Vosseller):

Bob also congratulated the new staff and folks in new positions, and also touched on the importance of the 50th Anniversary milestone for STARFLEET, R7, and the chapters. It’s a good time for lots of fun and promoting our club. Make it a party! R7 may be looking into purchasing ads in convention programs where there’s a strong R7 presence as part of those efforts.

Bob also mentioned the upcoming decommission of the USS Accord and encouraged everyone to attend the upcoming (and perhaps last) Watkins Glen Weekend. He also noted that R7 was very well represented at the Niagara Falls IC.

RC Report (VADM Wayne Augustson):

Not much has changed since Shore Leave 37 back in August…

Currently, Region 7 has 29 chapters and 613 members. Unfortunately, we’ll be saying goodbye over the next month or so to the USS Accord, which will be decommissioning due to changes in lives of the membership; many will relocate to USS Serling. The USS Edinburgh will be voluntarily decommissioning. The CO and XO and most of the membership have already left STARFLEET. There is no need to comment on said decommissioning…

Dave Sladky was recently named the 7th Brigade OIC- congratulations! I’ve stepped down as the 5th Battalion OIC and my deputy, Kyle Wolf, now heads the NY marine units. Congrats to Kyle!

Doris Htley, as of this Conference, is stepping down as R7 Awards Director. Those duties have now been wrapped up into the RC’s duties. We thank Doris for her 3 years of service!

As mentioned before, the regional Staff has an improved look- Karen Carothers is our new Region Chief of Communications and Lisa Stuckey is our new Regional Recruitment Officer! Welcome to them both

As I do each and every meeting, I thank all of the chapters for submitting their MSRs on time and for maintaining 10+ paid members in FLEET. It really, really seems to be important to the folks that write my paycheck and what’s important to them is important to me as well! And again, please remember, if you have problems with reporting or other database issues, contact Computer Operations. Try not to contact Laura Victor directly…

The command Staff is beginning to make plans for Star Trek’s 50th anniversary. We will be arranging for a number of events throughout 2016, including a Staff-run regional Conference- the theme, 50 years of Star Trek… more on that in a bit…

This Regional Conference is being hosted by the USS Richthofen- let’s give these fine folks a round of applause for what I am sure is going to be a great weekend!.

I hope everyone, pirates as well as privateers, enjoy the Conference and feel free to bribe your beloved RC with rum and coin throughout the weekend!

Also, remember that our anniversary celebration starts January 1, we don’t have to wait until the official anniversary date in the fall.

Weather permitting, Wayne is looking into setting up a regional anniversary dinner celebration during the Farpoint convention at one of the local restaurants (perhaps the Silver Springs Mining Co).

R7 Conference Announcements (presented by RADM Karen Mitchell Carothers, conference chair):

  • Thanks to everyone for coming!
  • Last minute program book errata:
    • Cosplay panel is on Saturday at 4pm in Arundel A, followed by the persona panel
    • Thanks to Annie Wheeler and Judy Waidlich for volunteering to sit on the Academy panel with me
    • Model building panel was cancelled on Friday afternoon due to flooding in John’s storage unit, please keep him in your thoughts as he goes through salvage and trying to get restitution
    • Please buy badge ribbons and charity raffle tickets
    • We will pull the winners of the charity raffle after dinner in Arundel A (9pm). Must be present to win!
    • Charity info signs
    • Weather forecast update

2014 annual awards presentation:

  • Chapter of the Year- U.S.S. Serling
  • CO of the Year- Lisa Stuckey (U.S.S. Serling)
  • Officer of the Year- Maryse Quinn (U.S.S. Serling)
  • Enlisted Member of the Year- David Bennett (U.S.S. Challenger)
  • Flag Officer of the Year- Wayne Augustson (U.S.S. Britannic)
  • Shakedown Chapter of the Year- U.S.S. Alaster
  • Staff Member of the Year- Karen Carothers (U.S.S. Richthofen)
  • Newsletter of the Year- U.S.S. Sirius
  • Website of the Year- U.S.S. Serling
  • Chapter Charity Award- U.S.S. Serling
  • Helping Hands Award- Carl Deitrich (U.S.S. Susquehannock)

Floor was opened to announcements from the general membership:

R7 patches are still on sale for $5 each, once they are gone they are gone

The Avenger is planning a trip to the Intrepid museum (check Facebook for updates)

Meeting was adjourned by RC VADM Wayne Augustson and participants were dismissed for further conference fun and frivolity.

The official R7 Command News Bulletin
By Vice Regional Coordinator Admiral Bob Vosseller

As the winter season rolls on, the 7th Fleet has been enjoying plenty of indoor activities including FARPOINT on Valentine’s Day weekend. The event featured the usual R7 brunch held prior to the regular Starfleet-Region 7 meeting chaired by our RC Wayne Augustson.

Our R7 recruiting department coordinated our recruitment table for the weekend and Ariel Vitali of the USS Adamant headed his own panel at the convention.

During the meeting, our fall R7 Conference in Baltimore was promoted.

The USS Challenger hosted its annual Intergalactic Food Festival on March 1 at the chapter’s regular meeting place at the Seaside Heights Community Center. The event drew members of other area Starfleet chapters as well and was open to the public.

Some chapters of the 7th fleet hit their local movie theaters to see “Jupiter Ascending.”

New Jersey chapters created a facebook page as part of an internal communication mode to reinforce event planning and to remind chapters of events that would have a mutual draw.

The official R7 Command News Bulletin
By Vice Regional Coordinator Admiral Bob Vosseller
It is here, 2015 has arrived! As we shake off the good and the bad of the last 12 months it is a time to look at the new year with hopes and plans both in our personal lives and within our corner of Starfleet.

Whether your group is a meeting chapter or a correspondence chapter, you will soon be issuing your first communication of the year. Most likely, you will be planning out some of your future activities, tending to chapter housekeeping like staff, membership strength and finances. Wayne and I hope you’ll also check to make sure that you have at least 10 members and that those staff who require OTS and OCC have those certifications. It is not a bad idea to require that status to each of your respective command staff. It isn’t hard and it’s free.
This year, you may want to start looking at one other factor that could require some additional time. As we know, 2016 will be a special year for STAR TREK fans. It marks the 50th year of our saga. Last year actually marked an anniversary of sorts being that “Where No Man Has Gone Before” the first pilot of STAR TREK had been in production.
It might not be too early to see how your chapter will observe this month in the form of a special event that can promote Starfleet and your chapter and utilize the creative energy of your membership to bring that celebration to your respective community.
Your local library might take you up on such a plan and provide some promotional assistance. There are other ways to do this as well. This would be in addition to, not in place of a movie promotion as it is expected that a new STAR TREK film will be in theaters in 2016.
There are various ways to host such events and it will be something we’ll be talking about this year (providing you more than a year’s worth of planning time) on our respective listservs, and on the R7 Facebook page.

It is important to maintain your chapter strength. While this may at times, not seem easy there is a network of support you can go to for advice and feedback on your chapter’s recruitment operations. Perhaps you even have some ideas to share about recruiting, Please contact Karen who can be reached at or
COs, PLEASE go into the SFI DB and double-check that your chapter contact information is correct. Our recruitment department utilizes this information to generate a spreadsheet flier that we run off to give to prospective members. You’ll want to take special care with website URLs and email addresses.
Prospective members aren’t going to take a second look at broken URLs, out-of-date websites, or email addresses that bounce. If your chapter doesn’t have a website yet, it’s easy to get a free one set up on Google Sites, or, or even WordPress or Tumblr. Don’t depend on Facebook for your promotional efforts.

Farpoint will be returning to the Maryland sector in February and is a usual draw of many chapters around the region. RC Wayne and I hope to make the event depending on weather conditions of that weekend. Our usual meeting will take place and Wayne will be posting about any regional breakfast plans that might take place prior to our morning meeting. We look forward to seeing you there.
My chapter, the USS Challenger will hold its annual Intergalactic Food Festival on Sunday March 1, at the Seaside Heights Community Center. The event starts at 1 pm (though you can come at noon if you need to heat up your item). All we ask is that you bring a dish to feed 6 people or beverages. We encourage you wear a Star Trek uniform (though this is not mandatory) to add to the fictional flavor of the event.
Other activities around the region include Monster Mania in Cherry Hill NJ, and the next Steel City Con in Pittsburg Pa.
Our annual Region 7 Conference is well into the planning stages and Karen will be updating us on the status and details of that special event slated for the first weekend of October in Maryland.

We’re about to hit the cold weather season and hopefully this year’s winter won’t feature too many snow storms. Please be safe out there this time of year.
Science fiction and related genre shows are returning to the airwaves following the holiday hiatus. Fans of “Gotham”, “The Flash” and “Arrow” will see their shows return later this month while “Agents of SHIELD” takes a break to be filled by a 7-part mini-series called “Agent Carter” featuring the post WWII adventures of Captain America’s girlfriend Peggy Carter. It looks stylish and action packed.
For horror fans there is the remaining episodes of “American Horror Story: Freak Show” , “Constantine”, “Grimm” and “Supernatural.” New episodes of “The Walking Dead” will reach us later in the year.
SyFy Channel will offer the new series “12 Monkeys” and the second season of “Helix.” This summer we’ll have the last season of “Falling Skies” and a new season of “Under the Dome.”
Big screen events that you may consider organizing a group viewing to include “Avengers 2: Age of Ultron” “Ant-Man” and “Terminator: Genysis.” The first of a new trilogy of STAR WARS films is set to arrive in theaters in December. “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” will be a very exciting event for fans and a recruitment opportunity for us.
Feel free to share your thoughts about those shows or films that fall into our range of interest on our Facebook page and the R7 listerv.
Wayne will present an update on the status of the 7th Fleet later this month. We look forward to once again working with you to make Region 7 the best it can be and to make it the fun organization it is.
Yes, we are aware that Starfleet on the international level is, as always, facing some challenges in updating some of its operations but we have good people in key positions. Some positions are open and you may wish to consider if you have the interest and experience to fill those roles.
My best goes out to each of you as we start this bright and challenging year.
Should you wish to share with Wayne and I any ideas, suggestions, complaints, compliments or just a simple hello we would enjoy hearing from you.
Happy New Year!