All posts by Jeff
The USS Abraham Lincold had its monthly meeting on the 22nd of January and set up its plans for the next 7 months, including a bowling fundraiser, astromony activities, and their annual picnic.
The USS Accord held its monthly meeing as well as attended a viewing of the movie “The Green Hornet.” Also, their website has been updated.
The USS Adamant held their monthly meeting on the 23rd of January where they also set up plans for 2011. Most of the other activities they had planned for January had to be cancelled because of snow.
The USS Albany held a post-holiday party on the 15th of January. They also had 2 bowling outings during the month, and have 2 more set up for February.
The USS Ascension have also been making plans, including snow tubing, Farpoint, and going to the Baltimore Aquarium during the spring. They also went to see the movie “Tron Legacy.”
The USS Asimov is still looking for their CO Martin Lessem, as well as planning on being at Farpoint.
The USS Avenger held a meeting in January, as well as a Movie Day. They are planning on having a meeting in February as well as going to Farpoint and participating in the Polar Bear Plunge.
The USS Britannic, Flagship for Region 7, held their first meeting for 2011 in January and set up their plans for the upcoming year. They are planning on holding a “Battlestar Galactica” film festival in February, which they were not able to have during January due to the weather.
The USS Challenger held its annual reorganization meeting on Jan. 15 and mapped out its first 6-8 months of activities, reviewed chapter polices and reviewed the progress of IC2011. They will be going to the 3 Stooges “Stoogeium” in Philly during the spring.
The USS DeBraak continues their charity work, as well as thier work at the Academy.
The USS Edinburgh CO and XO continue with the Marine Reading Challenge., as well as preparing for Farpoint.
The USS Highlander attended thier annual trip to the Polar Bear Plunge for Special Olympics of Maryland.
The USS Inferno is gearing up for ship elections and revising their By-laws.
The USS Iwo Jima went to a screening of “The Green Hornet.”
The USS Matrix has been sharing winter horror stories.
The USS McAuliff has also been planning future activies.
USS Pride of Baltimore members are looking forward to Farpoint.
The USS Richthofen held a MST3K night, as well as planning their annual Gettysburgh trip and the 2011 Trek Olympics.
The USS Schweitzer have been working on a logo for their chapter, and have been planning their launch party.
The USS Serling have reviewed their bylaws, discussed newsletter, presented ideas for FUNdrasers and Away Missions.
The USS Sovereign started 2011 by attending their annual New Year’s dinner at Olive Garden and exchanged presents. They concluded their month by visiting their kids at Project Rainbow and making Valentine crafts with the kids to be hung on their doors.
The USS Storm held their monthly meeting.
The USS Susquehannock went to the Hazy Center Air & Space Museum in Chantilly VA, as well as holding a monthly meeting on the 23rd of January.
The USS Thor crew are preparing for the charity auction at Katsucon, an Anime convention near DC to sponsor American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life. being held in February.
During the month of December 2010, the USS Abraham Lincoln, USS Adamant, USS Albany, USS Ascension, USS Avenger, USS Britannic, USS IWo Jima and the USS Susquehannock all held monthly meetings. The USS Abraham Lincoln, USS Accord, USS Adamant, USS Ascension, USS Avenger, USS Britannic, USS Challenger, USS Hecate, USS Inferno, USS Osiris, USS Pride of Baltimore, USS Richthofen, USS Sovereign, and the USS Susquehannock all held holiday parties. The USS Asimov, USS DeBraak, USS Edinburgh, USS Pride of Baltimore and USS Storm all collected toys for the Marine Toys for Tots, as well as the USS DeBRaak and the USS Edinburgh collecting food for the various food drives in their areas. Members of the USS Albany went bowling twice during the month of December, the USS Accord went to a screening of Tron: Legacy, the USS Matrix is preparing its chapter’s yearbook, and the USS Highlander was finalizing its plans for the Polar Bear Plunge. Most of the chapters are preparing the the annual Farpoint Convention coming up in February.