
All posts by r7comms

The annual Farpoint Convention is scheduled for February 10-12, 2023 at the Delta Hotel by Marriott in Hunt Valley MD. Region 7 will have a presence again this year.

We will have our usual business meeting on Saturday morning February 11th. Check the Programming page on the Farpoint website for info on exact time and location.

We will also have a recruiting table so be sure to sign up for some table duty.

Hope to see you there!

The Seventh Fleet is one of 20 geographic regions within STARFLEET the International Star Trek Fan Association! Region 7 covers the Mid-Atlantic area: Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. We are home to 23 active chapters and almost 500 members. We invite you to peruse our chapter list for a group near you, then beam aboard for adventures!

The Region 7 Conference will be held in person at the Doubletree Hotel Cherry Hill (formerly the Crowne Plaza) from October 21-23, 2022.

Weekend Conference Memberships ($45) includes Friday night mixer, all sessions and panels, and Saturday night Halloween Party. The link to purchase your Conference Registration is available here:

Hotel rates are $119, plus tax! The link to book rooms for the conference is now live, and located here: