The Awards page has been updated with the dates for this year’s annual awards submissions for achievements in 2016. The submissions period will be open from March 1, 2017 – April 15, 2017 at midnight EDT. NO exceptions will be made for late entries!

The link to the submissions form can be found on the Awards page. Regular updates will be posted to the R7 email list on which ships’ nominations have been received.

Please direct any questions about the awards process to RC ADM Wayne Augustson.

This year’s regional conference will be held at the Crowne Plaza Philadelphia-Cherry Hill – 2349 Marlton Pike West, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 from October 28-30. Tickets are $30 and can be purchased by clicking the 2016 Regional Conference link in the menu.

Hotel reservations are $119/night plus taxes. To book your room, click here. Note that this link will bring up the discounted price without you needing to enter a code. Just click “attendee” in the drop-down menu.

For any issues buying tickets or reserving your room, please email Jeff Victor at

The Awards page has been updated with the dates for this year’s annual awards submissions for achievements in 2015. The submissions period will be open from March 1, 2016 – April 15, 2016. Submission forms will be available starting March 1. Please direct any questions about the awards process to RC VADM Wayne Augustson.