It is my duty to announce that Admiral Bob Vosseller by virtue of a Vote of Confidence is the Regional Coordinator for Region 7 for the remainder of the term ending on June 30, 2024. Congratulations Bob!

Stephen Stott
Starfleet Inspector General

WANTED: R7 Awards Director to handle our annual awards program and to interface with the STARFLEET Awards program where our winners are relayed to for consideration on the international organization level.

Our former R7 Awards Director Maria Dutilly has offered to assist the incoming staffer chosen for the position learn the ropes.

Please email Bob Vosseller at with a letter of interest including any club or real life related experience in this area.

We would like to collect all letters of interest by September 1.

VRC/RC Bob Vosseller

My Friends,
It is with a heavy heart that after 15 years as your Regional Coordinator, circumstances in my life prevent me from devoting the necessary time to administer that most-honored office.

I hereby resign the position of region 7 Coordinator and turn the reins over to my most capable VRC, Bob Vosseller.

I still command Britannic and I will eventually see all of you again. Until then, blessings to every one of you for 15 fantastic years! It has been an honor to serve as R7 RC and I shall return!

Admiral Wayne L. Augustson
Region 7 Coordinator